Food Safety


         Cleaning your hand with water alone is inefficient for cleaning your skin because water is more unable to remove fats,oil, and proteins (components of organic soil). After all, since pathogens (microorganisms) suck as germs removed from skin have to be rinsed away. As a result, removal of microorganisms from skin requires the addition of soap of some detergents to water. Some products called "soap" are actually detergent its more used for hand washing.


         Refrigerating your foods quickly because cold temperatures slows the growth of harmful bacteria.Cold air must circulate always so the food can keep safe. Keeping of your fridge constant temperature of 40°F or bellow is one of the most effective ways to to reduce the risk of food born illness.Use thermometer. 


        Food safety cooked when it reaches a high enough temperature to kill harmful bacteria. Use food thermometer to measure the internal temperature of cooked meat, poultry and egg dishes (to make sure that the food is cooked to a safe internal temperature.


        Separate the hazardous and the nun-hazardous food, vegetable, and meat by using different colour of the shopping board. also cross-contamination is how can bacteria spread. Wash your hands with warm and with soap and always start with a clean scene. 


  • Keep food cold by storing in a refrigerator at 4°C (40°F) or below. Do not overload your fridge. If necessary remove (through) food suck as soft drinks or pickles and anything that un-healthy to make room for potentially hazardous foods.
  • Keep food hot by maintaining it at 60 °C (140 °F) or higher using a stove or steam table.
  • Bacteria causes food borne illness multiply quickest between 4°C and 60°C (40°F - 140°F). Lower temperatures prevent the bacteria from growing to dangerous levels. Temperatures above 60°C will kill the bacteria. Foods that allow the growth of bacteria, causing food-borne illness are called “potentially hazardous foods” and should be kept out of the Danger Zone. 



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