Food for Health

1.)”Eat Food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” This has become a famous manta expressing the feeling of many who are rejecting the contemporary food culture as proliferated by nutrition science and the industrialized of food over the past century. Why such a simple statement so profound?

      In 2008 Micheal Pollan (journalism professor / writter) released a book called In Defense of Food witch is about the heathy living and balance deiting. Michael Pollars theory is that the healthy eating diet and the term “Eat Food, Not too much, Mostly plants” can save your life. He distinguished between the food and “edible foodlike” (harmful substance).Michael Pollan recommends that Americans should spend more time on healthy foods, and time and buy locally. Michael Pollar argues about how the Americans are harmed by their eating habits and how science of nutrition shouldn’t influence peoples (Western Americans) eating habits because of they put on the food to stay longer (harmfull substances). Also Polar explored and studied the relationship between nutrition, Western diet and other cultures eating habits, how do affects them.
           Healthy dieat is the best thing to do to stay longer, live healthy, and stay longer with your family and etc. Eating dietiry food such as low carbs and low fats food less preservativeis one thing out of many. A term “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” become famous because of Micheal Pollan. Michael said “what we eat now is not a food.” What he means by then that now a day we are eating a lot of adeble foods (e.g., yogurt) witch have a lot of substance (highly processed food) that bad for our health and our body. Pollan suggest that we should eat fresh food from farm not from “the box” also know as cerial (“cerial killer”). “Not too much” a tems about low carbs low fat diet. French people in France maneges their eating habits and stays skinny by eating exta vegies, and small portion of foods. “Mostly plants” eating mostly plant is realy important. Polar said “eating vegies and fruits is the most thing to do to prevent having a cancer, weigth control (diet), to prevent diabetes, and etc. Pollar is saying that we showd now have more responsible and should put a little closer to the center of the liver, and we should put more into it, you’ll thing him later ones you did it;if we don’t by the time we will die early and suffer a lot from it such as epidemic and chronic deasises.
           Michael Pollan distinguised between “the food anf adeble foodlike substances” witch is the “real food” and the “junk foods.”Also as a students and teens we easily can tell the real food and the junk foods; as an example a soft bread & smooth shole grain white bread, with its has approximately fourthy one ingredients.Pollar have the method called “rules of thumb” number of ingredients witch is more than five ingredients shouldn’t a bread,unpronounceable ingredients,and unfamiliar ingredients. The presence of a high percentage of fructose corn syrup shoudn’t be tolerated. It shouldnt be labeled bread cause it isn’t bread (junk! Or unhealthy and ingredients with is suppose to be their). He pointed it out that industry now has managed to create imitation bread, which after decades people will actually eating the breads and food processing will be in disaster. Another important point in book at year 1984 nutrition study published in the journal Diabetes section. Pollars study demonstrated that non-Western, the diet (pre-modern diet) and the lifestyle of other could rapidly impact in a long-standing health problem such as high blood pressure and insulin resistance.

            Micheal polan argues about how Americans eats and how they get affected by the food science. Yet, like most magnificent work, his message (alternative foods) speaks mainly to the almost. As the audience “us” for the obesity (ever weight witch is common in American culture) by the statistics it is who those by who are most invested in upholding bodily normals (the thin or just slightly “overweight”), the audience “us” for organic local food is those who already have a stake in good eating and status. Although we dont have no good proof of Michael Pollan’s audience. Without an obvious exception, I have noticed that they are white, educated, urbane, and thin–and already quite convinced of alternative food’s goodness. It may be that Pollan’s iconic power has less to do with changing minds than with animating. In a funny way, even Michael Pollan knows this. In Defense of Food (in the book) is full of appeals to “us.” In other words, it is not so much that the discource of good food convinces its subjects; rather, the discourses choose subjects who are ready to believe in to it. Think about it. If you eat the Pollan diet, will it make you thin or skinny like others? Or is it that because you are thin, you are more likely to read about and eat the Pollan diet? It’s all up to us what to choose.

          In my opinion, yes it is the messege what people should listen to because if you dont listen to what people says like Micheal Pollan wich is an excellent writer and speaker.put in this way if we don’t listen to him we all die in a young ages and all people is having a difficulties all is going to get a cancer, blood presure, heart attack and etc.and we should all more responsibilities.


Historical photo: The 1949 Canada's Food Guide
If we have young or kids at home, we may have seen the little angels bring home a copy of Canada's Food Guide from school to study more avout it. Some of us are reminded of it when we walk into the doctor's office. And at the very least, the rest of us kinda remember what the Food Guide looked like from nutrition and physical education classes in elementary school or in high school, with fruits and vegetables, meats and cheeses, all lined up neatly on the rainbow-coloured illustration. But there is more to this Food Guide than just a memory or a picture.


On June 30, 2009, the Organic Product Regulation (OPR) came into effect, making the Canadian Oraganic Standards (COS) mandatory. The OPR will legally require organic products to be certified according to the Canadian Oraganic Standards if they are traded across provincial or international borders or use the Canada Organic Logo.


 Genetic Modified Organism Foods (GMO) may include adiction of  DNA (deoxyribonucleic) from spicies that would not breed in nature. GMO is the direct human manipulation of an organisms DNA in a loboratory environment "a way of science do". Based by the public opinion, polls shows that a significant mijority of Canadians would like to be able to tell if the food they're purchasing containce GMO's. GMO food have only existed in late 1990's in the store/ groceries.

more info!


It show how science manipulate or put some DNA from fish to food or more known as (" Croos Spicies or Transgenic" ) , such as salmon to tomato.

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